The undercut anchor for soft natural stone façade panels.

Zykon panel anchors FZP SH A4

The undercut anchor for a concealed stand-off installation solution for heavy façade panels of selected soft natural stone (stone group IV - sedimentary rock). This technology defines a constant distance between the front of the panel to the connection face on the FZP II anchor (RWT = remaining wall thickness) as a reference dimension for drilling. This can be used to compensate panel thickness tolerances. A completely flat façade surface is created.
Product VariantDownload of image data

Product Variant

2 Variantes del producto
Min. panel thickness
Total length
Cylindrical diameter
Visto 2 de 2 variante (s)

Your advantages / Product description

  • Using a constant remaining wall thickness as a reference value when drilling holes allows users to compensate panel thickness tolerances.
  • The flush-mounted anchor allows for easy, economical construction of reveals.
  • Depending on the application, the user can choose between flush installation with an absolute anchoring depth, for instance for reveal panels, and stand-off installation technology with a constant remaining wall thickness that serves as a reference dimension to compensate panel thickness tolerances.
  • There is no protruding external thread, allowing a space-saving transportation of pre-fabricated façade panels.
  • The matching shape of the undercut anchor creates a inter-locking and stress-free fixing in the conical undercuted drill hole.
  • The fixing is not externally visible, creating a visually appealing façade surface.
  • Setting the anchor using undercut technology allows the user to select the best structural position in the façade panel. This significantly reduces the bending moment of the panel.
  • The anchor allows higher failure loads compared to common systems.

Application and approval

  • Exterior façades with heavy façade panels made of selected, soft natural stone (stone group IV - sedimentary rock)
  • Interior façades with heavy façade panels made of selected, soft natural stone (stone group IV - sedimentary rock)
Building materials
  • Building materials Natural stone (stone group IV) (> 50mm)
You can find detailed information on building materials in the approval document.

Assembly instruction

  • The hole is either drilled to a constant reference dimension for the remaining wall thickness (RWT) or with an absolute anchoring depth.
  • The anchor can be installed flush or stand-off.
  • The compensation of panel thickness tolerances results in a completely flat façade surface.
  • Wet diamond drilling: first cylindrical, then conical - to create the undercut. #Inserting the undercut anchor in the cylindrical-conical undercut hole
  • Expanding the undercut anchor by "pressing down" the washer using the setting tools
  • Stress-free and geometrical inter-locking fixing
Installation FZP SH R/AL - stand-off
1 / 6
Installation FZP SH R - flush
1 / 4