Thermal bridge-free installation of rainwater downpipes on ETICS.

Insulation fixing FID-R

The fischer insulation fixing FID-R is a fixing for mounting rainwater downpipes without thermal bridges in external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) with a thickness of 100 mm. When installed with a cordless screwdriver, the spiral thread taps itself in the insulation board. The zinc flake coating of the threaded stud provides corrosion protection. The included white covering rosette protects again humidity.
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Product Variant

2 Produktvarianten
Anchor length
Min. bolt penetration
Gesehen 2 von 2 Variante(n)

Your advantages / Product description

  • Since the anchor is set exclusively in the insulation itself, fixtures can be installed without thermal bridges. The anchor offers an energy-optimised fixing.
  • The hard-centering tip cuts its own way through the plaster, without the need for pre-drilling, thus saving a stage of installation.
  • The TX-drive allows a setting with standard tools, thus allowing for a fast and economic installation.
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Application and approval

  • Thermal bridge-free installation of rainwater downpipes
Building materials
  • Polystyrene insulating boards
  • Wood fibre insulating boards
  • External thermal insulation composite system (ETICS)
You can find detailed information on building materials in the approval document.

Assembly instruction

  • The installation is carried out without any special tools.
  • The spiral thread taps itself in the insulation board.
  • For the installation in wood fibre insulating boards a pre-drilling of the insulating board with 16 mm is necessary.
  • For the installation before plastering the threaded rod is protected by a tube sleeve.
  • The included white covering rosette with glued on PE sealing disc protects again humidity.
Installation in plastered insulating boards
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Installation in non-plastered insulating boards
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