Los valores de retención (cargas) y las aplicaciones indicados en el embalaje son solo orientativos. Dependiendo del grado de montaje correcto, la calidad del material de construcción en el que se va a fijar, las condiciones de instalación y medioambientales pueden verse influenciados negativamente y, en consecuencia, provocar daños a las personas y a la propiedad. En caso de duda, encargue la fijación a un profesional.
The holding values (loads) were determined by fischer under optimum conditions, such as drill hole preparation and cleaning, correct installation and the best possible screws in intact and load-bearing building materials and under normal environmental conditions.
The building material plugs are fixed into is decisive for the load that can be borne by the plug. The building material symbols show which building material groups the plug can be used for. The respective loads are maximum recommended loads in the respective base material.
If several building materials are shown in combination, the load is specified for the weakest building material.
The load specified on the packaging only applies for one fastening point (single plug) and represents the lower value of tensile and transverse load.
Tensile load 15 kg (150 N)
Transverse load 25 kg (250 N)
Load specification on packaging 15 kg (150 N)
If the application involves groups of plugs (groups of 2, 4 etc.), the load-bearing capacity of the products must be considered differently. In cause of doubt, we recommend consulting a specialist (see below for support services).